Innovation Space Technology OEM/ODM/JDM Manufacturing

Innovation Space Technology (IST) was founded in Taiwan since 2014, offering a wide range of DME and home care products including walking aids and rollators, commodes, ramps, folding scooters, knee walker and hip walker. We also provide various kinds of electric motor kits which can be applied to different industries such as power wheelchair attachment, power wheelbarrows, grass trimmer, E bikes, AGV power trash cart and AGV Robot, etc.


這家廠商是原本找我們做SEO優化,評估舊網站,發現主要原因是網站中毒,自己租用主機被開後門,因此從網站中毒處理到網站重新架設,針對SEO討論結構,很開心他們的 JDM Manufacturing 關鍵字排名在第二頁,他們內部人員也很好配合,我提出的SEO的方針都有去執行,很榮幸接到這廠商,更開心認識與我配合的那位同仁 :)。

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